“…you and your team turned an extremely complex design problem into a spectacular architectural solution…over the years, C.T. Hsu + Associates has provided Universal Studios with the highest quality design and architectural services.”
Universal Studios Transportation Center
The multi-award-winning Transportation Center and Parking Complex was the cornerstone of Universal Studios Florida’s planned expansion that included a second theme park, Islands of Adventure, CityWalk and three resort complexes. The complex features twin 10,000 vehicle parking structures, a series of connecting elevated walks, a central 60,000 square foot terminal building that welcomes guests on arrival, and a sixty-foot wide and five-hundred-foot long pedestrian bridge leading into the park. This “smart” parking structure is among the largest in the world and is designed to accommodate up to 40,000 people daily.
Elements of the project include exterior precast planters that emphasize a vibrant color palette that reflects the subtropical Florida landscape. Roofscapes, bridges and architectural promenades positioned along the pedestrian path are made of steel and aluminum to counterpose the mass of the garage and an exterior finish palette that draws upon the textures and colors of the landscape to allow the massing of the building to recede into the surrounding vegetation.